Get Ready To Have Your Breath Taken Away and Just in Time for Valentine’s Day
Can you say, Soul mate door opener? Called an “Accidental Love Guru,” in a recent interview for the San Diego Union-Tribune, yoga master, author, and inspirational speaker, Vishwanath “Vish” Iyer, is proud to announce the national release of his new book, Yoga & Love. With Valentine’s Day approaching, this is the perfect time to discover and celebrate his shared wisdom and proven techniques for finding the love of one’s life.
In Yoga & Love author Vish reveals, “It’s an essential scientific system that teaches singles how to ‘live for love’ by establishing a clear conception of a loving relationship with one’s self and thereby unlocking your magnificent heart’s potential.”
Time-Honored Vedic Yoga Mantra and Lineage 7,000 Years Strong:
Yoga & Love stands on the credibility of Vish’s story as he shares his personal story of how he attracted his wife, Deypika – the great love of his own life, who he met on a movie set (see following below to learn more about the author’s acting career). Vish conveys time-honored and time-tested techniques of yoga breathing, mantra and meditation, to teach readers how to better know themselves. The key, according to the author, is cultivating prana, or life force, to help foster a life where being happy becomes a habit.
In this way, our positive thoughts and feelings become a magnet for attracting our ‘Soul Help Mate,’ that person who can help, support, and motivate us in the Soul’s spirit of unconditional love.
Could Yoga reverse the divorce trend in America?
Vish elaborates on the relationship-saving value Yoga & Love brings to life and love:
“With the current divorce rate in America at 50%, this literally means every other married couple is getting divorced. An alarming observation alone. However I present a broad-stroke solution in my book, ‘Yoga & Love,’ that takes off from where ‘The Secret’ left off. For example, ‘The Secret’ does not explain the mechanism by which one can consciously activate the law of attraction. But as I illustrate in my book, one can with the richly powerful techniques of yoga.”
As one of the world’s foremost leading Yoga experts and thought leaders, Vish is also recognized as a combination of Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins.
Does the secret to lasting relationships exist in the ancient techniques presented in Yoga & Love? Check out the book and draw your own conclusions; draw your own magnetizing Law of Attraction.
“‘Yoga & Love’ is not a book, it is a Revolution. It will completely transform how the western world approaches love,” states Vish.
“Prana is the thermostat of love,” continues the author. “More prana, more love. All of the guiding principles in this system are designed specifically to increase prana, including doing your dharma (or working on a career you love). These techniques can be compared to those that harness the universal law of attraction (made famous by the movie, “The Secret”), but you need prana to activate that law.
Yoga & Love will show its readers how to:
Get the 7 Magical Yoga Keys to Finding the Love of Your Life!
• Become a magnet for love that lasts.
• Unlock the heart’s potential to know and to develop a relationship with self.
• Clear out emotional baggage that prevents us from attracting love.
• Build self-esteem and become emotionally self-sufficient.
• Remain happy and retain a positive attitude under all circumstances.
• Attract the love of our lives and eliminate doubt in recognizing ‘the one.’
• Use a set of experiential techniques for attracting love that has proven itself over thousands of years.
Many are already referring to Yoga & Love as the ‘Think & Grow Rich’ of relationships
“Yoga & Love is the greatest, ground-breaking book ever written on love that truly digs deep and helps to unravel one’s dharma – what you are meant to do,” declares Vish.
Yoga factoids of interest:
Total number of Americans who practice Yoga – 15 million
Percent Female – 72.2%
Percent Male – 27.8%
Percent who earn more than $75,000 – 44%
Percent who earn more than $100,000 – 24%
Percent between ages 18-34 – 40.6%
Percent between ages 35-54 – 41%
Percent over 55 – 18.4%
Percent who are college graduates – 71.4%
Amount spent annually on Yoga products – $27 Billion
Vish was not expecting to write a book about love. He was supposed to be a software consultant who practiced Yoga in his spare time, as the latter is the 7,000-year-old tradition in the family of Vedic scholars he was born into.
What Vish had gained in rich family history, lineage, and wisdom, he would later lose in business and valued relationships – something he was also not expecting, ultimately setting the course for Yoga & Love. The author, still wrought with pain over his loss, opens candidly about the turn of events which would lead to his primary reason, the precursor, to writing his book: “I had built a $55 million dollar real estate empire in 18 months, bringing into my business some very close friends to be my partners. No one could have foreseen what would later unfold. Within the following two years we lost it all – I mean ALL of it. Unfortunately for me and my valued relationships at the time, this would also include my partners. In the process of taking the hit, not only as an all-around business loss, I would further be pained by the loss of some very dear friends who were like brothers to me. I will never forget them with the greatest debt of gratitude I will always hold in my heart. It was my first such experience and life lesson (hopefully my last) to go through this kind of painful loss since coming to the U.S. I take full responsibility for the poor business judgments I made, ultimately costing me both my business and my relationships. There is no greater pain than to lose a relationship of someone close, someone you admire, because of bad business decisions.”
On a more pleasant and welcome note, the second reason behind Vish writing Yoga & Love, was to serve as an homage and declaration of love to his bride of 10 years, Deypika, as he would recapture the “miraculous tale” of how they met… He was at a meditation retreat, whereupon many questions and six hours later, the retreat attendants sat with rapt attention as he shared the meditation techniques he had used to find his true love. Even seasoned Yogis had much to learn about using yoga to open their hearts to love, and Vish felt called to teach. The culmination of years of teaching is now his new book, Yoga & Love.
Those who associate yoga with a mere series of stretches may wonder what Yoga & Love is about. But poses are only a small part of the wisdom, philosophy, principles, mantras, deep breathing (Pranayama), and meditation techniques of holistic yoga. In fact the word Yoga is derived from the root word Yuj in Sanskrit, meaning “union” or “joining.” So the actual word Yoga stands for a process that helps two entities become one!
Nothing says “I love you” ~ like Yoga & Love
Where Every Day Feels Like Valentine’s Day
From Yoga & Love – to Feeling the Hollywood Love:
Next to being an author, Vish is also an actor – where ‘going Hollywood’ has always intrigued him. With the power of Yoga, he simply manifested his role by applying his well-honed techniques. In tandem with being seen in media appearances as part of his current book tour for Yoga & Love, Vish will soon also be seen on the ‘big screen.’ He will be starring in his first feature role as a romantic lead in a new film titled, “Neshima” (an adventure/fantasy slated for theatrical release this summer). It is a beautiful story with a spiritual message.
With the upcoming release of his film, this would make him the only male talent in America who has both a book and a movie launching the same year, this year! Vish is currently also working on a Yoga festival and a potential television show development based on Yoga & Love. And as if not staying busy enough, he is also writing a full-length romantic comedy in which he will star as the lead. He will next be looking to attach an A-list actress to play his co-starring lead in the film. For more information on Vish or his book, please visit: www.yogaandlove.com.
About the author:
Long Continuous Lineage (Potentially 7,000 years) of Vedic Yoga Masters
Often described, as a maverick, unconventional rebel Yogi, speaker, author, actor, workout junkie, coach and entrepreneur, Vishwanath “Vish” Iyer is a rare cocktail of spirituality, science and entrepreneur all rolled into one. Given his degrees in fields as varied as biology, French, and graduate degrees in information systems and business. By example of his own thirty-year meditation practice, coupled with being born into a Brahmin family lineage of generations of Vedic Yoga masters in Southern India, Vish is a die-hard believer that solutions to all human problems lie in Yoga meditation.
Vish’s father was the first in a long continuous lineage (potentially 7,000 years) of masters. Some of the notable figures attributed to his lineage are, the great Yogi, Vashishta, who wrote the first Yoga book, Yoga Vashishta, also known as the Guru of King Rama, and Yogi Yagnavalkya, the famous author of several Yoga. His ancestors owned Vedic schools where several of Southern India’s noted scholars were trained. Training routine in this system involved waking up at 3:00 am daily followed by intense Yoga practices of mantra chanting, pranayama, and meditation three times a day. Vish has been trained in this Vedic Yoga system since he was seven. Vish makes no claims about being a spiritual Guru or having the spiritual advancement of some of his stalwart ancestors. He has committed himself to only sharing what he has successfully experienced. He believes anyone in this world can find love through Yoga like he has.
Vish’s strength lies in his intuitive ability to help anybody find love (even Miley Cyrus). He’s lived in India, Southern Africa, and he presently lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Deypika.
Available at Amazon.com
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