We could not think of a better way to start off February with our theme of relationships than with Vish Iyer and Deypika Singh.
We will discussing their relationship and secrets to finding romantic love through yoga, which is the theme of Vish’s book “Yoga & Love”
Here is what Vish says of his inspiration for the book: “The entire inspiration comes from my wife Deypika whom I met on a movie set almost ten years ago. She is an absolute beautiful person inside and out. She has been the backbone of my book and movement. She embodies everything an ideal partner, wife should have. She is indeed a dream come true for me. I know yoga techniques work for finding romantic love just because I found my wife. She is the living testimonial.”
We will also explore their regimen that includes techniques for transforming our inner environments and outer lifestyles through positive affirmations, yoga diet and exercise as well as harnessing the power of our dharma (life’s purpose) and channeling sexual energy into creative pursuits.
Vish: It was one of the best interviews I have done, just the depth of questions, understanding of the work we do was just incredible. Kudos to you both, Harry and Phil.
One of the questions we were asked: What should man/woman do first? Pursue your passion/career or pursue your dream relationship? For the answer listen to the interview.
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