On February 13th, the day after the soft launch at USC, Vish Iyer was invited to speak at FRED talks about Yoga & Love. Vish was invited to be one of the speakers on February 13th by Steve Glenn. The FRED Talks took place in a beautiful home that was completely Eco friendly and was built in 8 hours. Is if that was not impressive enough over two hundred individuals were in attendance for the talks that evening.
Some may be wondering what FRED Talks are and if they are the same as the famous TED Talks that are viewable online and cover a wide variety of topics. TED Talks are on a much larger scale and are better known than FRED Talks. In addition to that main difference there are two of other major differences.
The first one is FRED Talks are given by individuals who are up and coming in their area of expertise versus those who may already be very well known in their field. Each FRED talk is also significantly shorter than the time allotted for a TED Talk. FRED speakers have 6 minutes to present their topic while TED allows up to 20 minutes for talks. For those who have done any manner of public speaking you know that 6 minutes is not much time at all which adds to the fun and challenge of presenting your work. To learn more about FRED Talks you can visit their website at http://fredtalks.org
Steve was an amazing host. Vish was the second speaker to give his talk and he felt this was easily his best talks yet. After the talk about 50 people came up to Vish and told him his definition of love was one of the most accurate they had ever heard. This definition is “Love is an unending ecstatic oneness experience which gives rise to forgetfulness our lower self.”
This was an extremely positive experience for Vish and Yoga & Love. Vish is really excited to see such enthusiastic fans of the book and its message.