A client of mine told me every time she started a relationship it would quickly fall apart. I asked her if she had slept with any of these men she tried to form a relationship with. She replied by saying “All of them. I don’t want to marry someone I’m not sexually compatible with.” […]
The 3 Main Points of Attraction for Women from Yoga Perspective.
A client once tried to explain lists to me and how important they were in attracting the right man. “You have to list every single trait that’s important to you, including things you want and don’t want.” While I appreciated her thorough explanation of how these in depth lists were supposed to work and […]
Hot Chick/Player Syndrome: The Current State of Love in America
“Men don’t look at me anymore.” A client once told me about fifteen minutes into a coaching session. I asked her why she felt this mattered. In reply she told me she believed because she was getting older that men no longer found her as physically attractive. This, of course, was not the truth. […]
Is There a Science Behind Yoga and Love?
“You, and everybody else, write that you cannot find true love until you have a deep commitment for self-exploration, self-discovery, a willingness to look within to first form a relationship with yourself, to love yourself, to connect with yourself. I don’t believe that. I know plenty of people that found true love even when […]
Taking Time Out For Yourself To Love Yourself
If you are not holistic on the inside, you cannot love on the outside, or even worse, when you find true love. You cannot sustain it. How do you become holistic, how do you connect with this incredible pure awesomeness within you? What are the steps? httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuy6jaAs6EE