“Hey Vish, I met this really great woman. She’s smart, funny, kind, easy to get along with, and we share a lot of the same interests. I really enjoy the time I spend with her and I bet we would make a great couple. There’s only one big problem and that is her […]
Yoga & Love’s Interview with Liz Arch
As the creator of Primal Yoga, Liz Arch is known for her warm personality and approachable teaching style. Primal Yoga combines elements from various styles of Yoga and martial arts. Liz Arch’s teaching style is fun, innovative, and challenging, but accessible, for all levels. She takes the most joy in teaching students who normally would […]
Sexual Compatibility: Myth or Reality?
A client of mine told me every time she started a relationship it would quickly fall apart. I asked her if she had slept with any of these men she tried to form a relationship with. She replied by saying “All of them. I don’t want to marry someone I’m not sexually compatible with.” […]
Astrology & Potential Mate
What does astrology have to do with love and how can it help us in determining our potential mate? In western society the opinions are divided. Some will swear that astrology helps while others are very skeptical. Many in the western world are familiar with the Western, or Hellenistic, Astrology which follows the movements of […]
Yoga & Love’s Interview with Yogi Cameron
Some of us might recognize Yogi Cameron from Madonna’s Express Yourself video as well as multiple TV shows such as The Ellen Show, The TODAY Show, The Dr. Oz Show, and others. For those unfamiliar with Yogi Cameron here is a brief excerpt from his bio on his official website. “ Yogi Cameron left […]
What Do Soul Mates Eat?
It may seem like a very odd question. Some might say what soul mates eat is one of the last things one should worry about. Does it really matter what soul mates eat? The better answer that question we need to first examine the entire concept of diet. Did you know there are […]
Book Launch & Charity Event at Burning Torch
On August 14th Vish Iyer will be appearing at Burning Torch for a book launch and charity event. Burning Torch is located in Venice, California and founded by fashion designer, Karen Craven. We are grateful to Karen Craven for her generosity and excited to team up with such a dynamic brand that reflects the idea […]
Yoga & Love’s Interview with Gurmukh
Gurmukh is the co founder and director of Golden Bridge Yoga and we are so fortunate to have her come teach a session in Kundalini Yoga at the Hollywood Yoga Solstice Festival. A student of the Kundalini Yoga master, Yogi Bhajan, Gurmukh is also a pioneer in the field of pre-natal yoga. Practitioners call Kundalini […]
Fasting for Love: A Yoga Perspective
Here in America we are told to do many things to attract true love. “Get a good job.” “Buy a fancy car.” Or “Lose some weight and get a makeover.” But very few people, if any, in the western world will suggest fasting to attract love. When we think of fasting it might conjure […]
My Friend is Getting Married and I’m Jealous
We have all experienced the jealous loved one before. Maybe you are even the jealous individual. The topic comes up frequently on relationship advice message boards. “My friend is getting married. I’m jealous of their happiness. What do I do?” It is not uncommon for single individuals to feel jealous when a friend or […]