In 2005, I was invited to one of our friends weddings. It was a very happy occasion, yes, except that she was in her sixties and was recently divorced. I was happy to see her happy, unfortunately her latest marriage lasted eight months. Many friends did after the fact wonder about the timing of the wedding. “Well wishers”, always a plethora of them, toyed around with questions like, “Why did she have to jump in so fast?”, “Couldn’t she have found a more stable man?”, “What was she thinking, why love now? I knew it ,she was not ready for love!” etc.
Is there something called being ready for love and how to go about getting ready? The truth is: You can never be ready for love because every moment you are in love. You are floating in love because that is your nature. Let me rephrase two fundamental questions which is really the subtext: Are you ready for a relationship? Are you in touch with the love within yourself to be ready?
An average human spends 8 hours at work. For example, to be a software engineer it takes 16 years of schooling. If you want to be a doctor it takes 20 years of schooling. All for what? To be eligible to perform your given task with precision.
If you spend an average of 8 hours with your husband or wife (assuming you are completely in love), wouldn’t you need some level of training in love to be eligible to enjoy the benefits being in love? If you need training to deal with computers how much more training would you need to deal with the most complex machinery known to man? Another human being! A human is made of thousands of thoughts, feeling, emotions, trillions of cells is a very complex entity. Love is an extraordinarily powerful force (it really can move mountains). To be able to activate this force you need the required wisdom. You couldn’t give an atom bomb with a flimsy switch to a child, the same way you couldn’t wield powerful force of love on another human being without getting the required training in having power over regulating your own emotions, thoughts, feelings, speech and desires. How many have you analyzed your past relationship and just wished “if only him or I just didn’t react the way we did”, “if only he changes that habit, I could love him forever.”. The single most cause of breakups is due to this lack of training (expressing itself as overreaction, emotional instability, lack of commitment etc;) available in making you fit for love.
One of the key goals of Yoga practice is to help you achieve power over your own emotions so that you can feel love incessantly and always feel loved without that love diminishing. You will also learn the ability to love with wisdom ( the exact mechanics of how Yoga does it warrants another detailed blog).
Keeping in mind, the enormous need, to regulate emotions, as a key ingredient for successful relationships, I developed the Yoga and Love Program based on my personal experience and training in Yoga for more than three decades. I am not here to theorize about love; I offer tools in a time-honored and time-tested system, and if you practice them sincerely, your own experience will become your testimony!
The program emphasizes transformation in both your inner environment and in your outer lifestyle. The ultimate goal is to increase your personal magnetism (by making you emotionally balanced and powerful) so that you can be a magnet that attracts your one true love to you.
The nucleus of the self-transformation program is a simple Yoga ritual (or routine) you are to practice morning and night for six months. Humans are creatures of habit, and a systematized ritual of super-powerful techniques practiced over a six-month period will bring such amazing changes to your life that you may not recognize yourself!
The inner work of the Love Magnet Program focuses on three Yoga techniques which are critical keys for love:
- Yoga breathing for emotional healing and balance.
- Love meditation,
- Mantra practice
The outer lifestyle work is optional, but highly recommended. It is comprised of these four love keys:
- Yoga diet
- Yoga stretching and workout
- Living a purposeful life or your dharma
- Transmuting sexual energy into creative expression and building magnetism
You will have results if you apply these super-powerful techniques of self-transformation—which have been practiced in the Yoga tradition for eons—to your life. You will attract your love, period! Through the principles expressed in this book, I am giving you the right way and the right tools to seek and find, and to allow that person to come into your life.
Without a deep connection with ourselves first, we cannot have a corresponding deep connection with another person. In the words of William Shakespeare, “To thy own self be true.” In fact, the Yogis call not having a connection with ourselves as ‘not being in touch with the very essence of our being, our Soul.’ We cannot expect to attract an ideal relationship if we are not in touch with the innermost core being of ourselves!
A lasting Soul-help mate relationship itself involves two people working toward fulfilling their inherent desires of their hearts and minds to merge into one, to have a deeper Soul-Soul connection. In such a Soul friendship relationship, we help each other grow and be in touch with each other; this is the natural state of love. Once you get fit for love, you will attract this relationship to you, where you will find out for yourself that it is a relationship of pure bliss, pure joy, and harmony the way love was meant to be.
Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity.
The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.
Tomorrow, when resurrection comes,
The heart that is not in love will fail the test.”
– Rumi