“I feel so happy, I found him, it is crazy, I feel like hugging the whole world!” I must say I get emails like these quiet often from my clients. In ecstasy of love, have you felt your heart exploding with bliss? Have you ever felt even a few days of separation being a torcher? Sadly this ecstatic feeling disappears after the initial high wears off. Where did all that love go?–What is Love? Read More…
What’s More Important: The Love Of Your Life, Or Having Your Dream Job (Dharma Or Life Mission)?
How many of you are just accepting the drudgery that comes with waking up to go to work and driving through traffic in a nine-to-five job you don’t like, with colleagues who are not particularly inspiring? You may have convinced yourself to go along with the drudgery by thinking you need the job’s paycheck to survive. Read More…
Radio Interview: Vish & Deypika On Finding Love Through Yoga
It is highly unlikely for someone to attract their soul-mate without first knowing themselves at the “core” or at least making serious attempts in that direction. Vish’s mantra and motto is: “Fix the inside, and as night follows day , the out-side will take care of itself. ” He explains that finding your soul mate is not about love at first sight, it is the universal science of the law of attraction. Read More…
How To Find The Love Of Your Life Before Christmas
It is an eternal law of the Universe that he/she who knows what she/he wants always get just exactly that. Can this law be put into use for finding romantic love within a stipulated time? There is something to be said about clarity in finding love. The degree, quality and speed of manifesting a relationship is directly dependent on the purity of your intention. Read More…
“…and they lived happily ever after.” Is There Such A Thing?
Lynn is a very successful entrepreneur who called me about an issue in her relationship. She and her fiancé had been together for three years, and she told me they had everything: a great day-to-day relationship, and several successful businesses. Now problems had started, with one argument leading to another. Her fiancé had left her six months before… Read More…
How To Get Ready For Love?
Is there something called being ready for love and how to go about getting ready? The truth is: You can never be ready for love because every moment you are in love. You are floating in love because that is your nature. Let me rephrase two fundamental questions which is really the subtext: Are you ready for a relationship? Are you in touch with the love within yourself to be ready? Read More…