Yoga and Love Featured on Red Velvet Media Holly Stephey is a successful producer and Radio show host of the very popular Radio show “Red Velvet Media Blogtalk Radio” as well as handling many high-profile individuals with her company Red Velvet Media. Holly is a very sought out person for many productions that involve non profits and is an active Philanthropist. […]
Yoga & Love Wisdom Quotes
“Suffering or hurt can be understood only in a larger context and by themselves analysed in detail never make sense. An athlete training to compete does not focus on “trivialities” of diet, workout, pain and sweat but understands it in a larger context of reward & fulfillment. If you are suffering or hurting now in […]
Yoga & Love on Marvellous Mondays with Harry and Phil
We could not think of a better way to start off February with our theme of relationships than with Vish Iyer and Deypika Singh. We will discussing their relationship and secrets to finding romantic love through yoga, which is the theme of Vish’s book “Yoga & Love” Here is what Vish says of his inspiration […]
Evolving together to keep it together
This morning, I was talking to a dear friend of mine an aspiring screenwriter. I casually mentioned that Deypika and I for the entire duration of our six hour drive to the bay area last week just reviewed last year. The successes, the failures, what we learned from it. Every little success was accounted for, […]
Burning Torch: Yoga and Love book signing
Burning torch, one of the swankiest fashion outlets in Venice hosted a beautiful signing for Yoga & Love. Amidst the hustle, bustle and coolness of the store, attendees enjoyed Vish and Deypika ‘ story on how to be cool Yogis and find love. [dcwsb inline=”true”]
Paulina’s perspective on staying single from Yoga & Love table read
Why is staying single could be the best thing you can do to attract a relationship? Yogis always encourage people to prepare your mind, body and spirit before signing up for a relationship. Watch this video to know more [dcwsb inline=”true”]
Must listen: Vish’s interview on LA talk radio with host Doc Michelle
Vish’s interview with Doc Michelle, where Vish diagnoses from a Yoga perspective why relationships today are not working? And what can you do to attract the relationship of your dreams. All based on experience and truth, say bye bye to theory and manipulative dating tricks. A one hour must listen, psychological perspective on relationships with […]
Could you manifest the love of your life in six months?
Could you manifest the love of your life in six months? Why does it take six months? Does it always have to take six months? [dcwsb inline=”true”]
Yoga and Love @ Bikram Yoga San Jose
I had read somewhere driving on straight roads puts the mind in an alpha state, in lay man’s terms, a creative state, where even the most awkward could see himself channeling his inner poet. I was looking forward to this as I was invited by Michele Vennard to do a book signing @ Bikram Yoga […]